The house is empty, the silence is deafening, and the emotional roller coaster had begun.  The emotional hangover sets in.  As the last of my children pulled out of the driveway last night, the feelings and emotions overwhelm me like most mothers bidding farewell after the holidays.

The start of the holidays was full of bumps, struggles, and difficulties navigating the changes required to take an emotional and physical "time out".  Time out from situations that cause stress, anxiety, and take away the joy of celebrating relationships.  The way it happened, the hurt feelings, the intensity of decisions, all dumped themselves in the middle of the kitchen at the table.  What resulted was an amazing act of a gracious Father, whose heart is to heal. I learned that it is acceptable to take an emotional "time out". The process was less than ideal, and darn if Satan didn't just vomit in the middle, but......God showed up.  Big time.  Holidays bathed in prayer, sinners bathed in grace, and Christmas bathed in Jesus, allowed a miraculous transformation from hurt to HIM.

Satan loves to try to steal away God's thunder in our thoughts.  Our thoughts rule our emotions, actions, and reactions and can build or destroy our relationships.  Eight billion people exist on our planet, with eight billion combinations of DNA, producing over eight billion experiences, perspectives, lives filled with eight billion opinions. Why on earth do we expect everyone to always see things through our eyes, agree with our perspectives, and react the same?  Life experiences combined with DNA predispositions, brain development altered by trauma, parenting, relationships, explain why we struggle to understand each other.

This holiday, as I sat in the tub, I contemplated everything.  Everything from failures as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, and member of my community, and how I wish I knew then what I know now.  How the brain is affected by chronic stress, and the development process has been a powerful study!!!! The negative thought patterns, traumatic sympathetic brain responses, and the physiological effects that drive our lives, is what drives my passion to become a brain specific life coach. Our brains are plastic!  We can change our thoughts, which changes our brain's wiring, changing our health, and allows us to live a full, productive, change the world LIFE!  To not just live, but thrive in relationships, work, spirituality, and live out a passion filled, God purposed life.  I just couldn't understand, WHY IS NO ONE SHARING THIS INFORMATION!  IT IS LIFE CHANGING!!!  Then God said, THAT IS WHAT I AM ASKING YOU TO DO! People need to know! Share what I have shared with you!

The light bulb moment happened as my son and I shared lunch at the burger place around the corner.  The collision of his chiropractic focus and mine, almost brought me to my knees.  My son will begin March 1st serving the people of Little Rock, AR at his clinic called The Specific, specializing in a technique that will change people's lives.  His decision to pursue greatness, his passion to help and heal, to step out of the ordinary practice, and leave a legacy of love, and hope for those who have found no hope through traditional medicine, by studying this specific technique, sent chills down my spine!  I am pursuing the same!

The emotional high from the understanding of the purpose of every traveled road, painful event, traumatic experience, and career experiences leading to one final God driven destination! TO BRING HOPE AND HEALING, CHANGING LIVES FROM THE INSIDE OUT, to people who have found no relief, hope, change, or reconciliation through traditional counseling methods!  The emotional "time out" from the usual holiday expectations, concessions, and the pain resulting was all worth it! This allowed me time, to see without distraction, worship Him through my family, and see God's plan.

SO I SHOUT FROM THE MOUNTAINTOP, stepping out of the usual can help SAVE relationships.  It can allow us to see through different eyes, so that we can hear the voice of God during HIS HOLIDAY!

Now, THE EMOTIONAL HANGOVER, from the holidays, and the MEDICINE.  I am spending Christmas re-doing my presentations with a RENEWED VIGOR, a renewed passion, and renewed PURPOSE TO present hope and healing, to show how new technological advances in brain imaging show the interactions of our thoughts on body, mind, soul, and spirit, whether positively, or negatively.  The way we parent, actively affects children's brain development, NOT just academically, but physiologically...STOP!  Parents can create healthy brain development in their children, and learning how that is done is essential.

Henry Cloud, in his book, "Never Go Back", states that inner life creates outer successes.  The invisible life (inner thought life, spiritual life, physical health) creates the outer life.  Going through the same motions, listening to the same voices, reacting the same ways, accepting the same type of relationships, blaming others, circumstances, etc., will get you the same result.  Praying for change, having faith for change, believing change is possible isn't always enough.  You can pray for change in your marriage, relationships, or work, but then repeat patterns in our lives without evening knowing that the patterns are what are creating the problems. 

During your emotional hangover, release the junk piled up in the corner from hurt feelings, negative comments, mean people, and medicate yourself at the foot of the cross.  Ask the Lord to fill you with His plan and purpose.  Take an "emotional time out"...ground yourself!

One exercise that helps many of my clients, is to set your phone to alert you every hour or two.  When it rings write down everything you are thinking, feeling, and doing at that moment. Then...look at the underlying theme.  Is it worry, fear, anxiety, anger, hurt, resentment, frustration?  Once you identify that source....the healing process can begin.  I have several exercises, and methods to make that happen, and then the brain rewiring will begin to reform circuits.  I would love to be a part of the healing, and can do that online, in person, or by phone. Whether you choose to stay the same, grow, or explode, the choice is yours.  Choose wisely.

Emotional hangovers are the perfect opportunity to search within your soul, and embrace the joy, blessings, and EXPERIENCE THE REAL YOU. Remember (where you were), Renew (your strength), and Redefine yourself(through brain rewiring, recovery, and renewed purpose), to not just live but THRIVE IN THE 100% REAL, AUTHENTIC, LIFE GOD INTENDED YOU TO LIVE. HE CREATED YOU PERFECTLY, PURPOSEFULLY, AND UNIQUELY. You are one of a kind for a REASON.


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